ASCENDER 7.0420 Update Info and TSDS Submission Reminders




ASCENDER 7.0420 was installed on 1/14/23:


  • Corrected the error that prevented teachers from posting attendance if a student in the Course-Section had a pre-posted absence (ERROR - Unable to update/insert record in SR_ATT_POST table).
  • ASCENDER Parent Portal and Student Portal - Updated the existing Texas Assessment URL to direct parents to the new Texas Assessment single sign-on website.


January 2023 WIGO - Available here.


Fall PEIMS Resubmission due this Thursday - January 19, 2023



ECDS KG submission due Thursday - January 26, 2023:




SPPI-14 submission due Thursday - February 16, 2023:


  • It is important to process your first set of SPPI-14 interchange files (edm, promote, validate, review reports) before Fall PEIMS Resubmission is due (1/19/23) because SPPI-14 relies on leaver data reported in Fall PEIMS.  This allows the district to confirm the Special Ed leavers info being reported for SPPI-14 and resend Fall PEIMS data if corrections are needed.
  • Core Collection - ASCENDER SPPI-14 Guide