Recommendations to help make access to ASCENDER more secure

Helpful Ascender Tips


To help make access to ASCENDER more secure, we encourage districts to consider the following standards for accounts:

  • Implement and enforce strong password policy
  • Reset all staff ASCENDER passwords where staff use the same password for ASCENDER as they use for Google or network accounts
  • Review if staff are using browser password managers and strongly encourage them NOT to save username and password information for ASCENDER login
  • Exit each application and logout when not working in ASCENDER
  • Encourage staff to lock their computer when they have to step away from it

Password requirements for ASCENDER are as follows:

  • 8-46 alphanumeric characters
  • Three of the following:  uppercase, lowercase, numeric, and special characters
  • Case-sensitive

The following ASCENDER login preferences can be reviewed and updated as needed in District Administration > Options > Login.  


Click here for a description of each of these fields. 

  • Invalid Password Attempts
  • Lockout (in minutes)
  • Password Expiration (in days)