The Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR) is an online platform that enables educators to create, administer, analyze, and share formative assessments. Data from formative assessments is used to inform teaching decisions and improve instructional supports. TFAR is an optional tool that is available at no cost to districts and open-enrollment charter schools and is not tied to accountability.

TFAR is meant to supplement and support existing district resources and formative assessment practices. Quizzes built using this tool should be combined with a broader set of classroom formative practices that are part of a coherent instructional framework.

★ TFAR will support accommodations for the released STAAR questions in its item banks.
★ Regional and district-level content creation roles will be added to the system. Users with these roles can create and share questions and tests in TFAR, but they will not have access to student data.
Formative assessments from select, high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) with an open education license will be available to administer through the same online test administration system as assessments created using TFAR. More information about which HQIM products’ tests will be available in the online system and the release dates of these tests will be available in the fall.
TFAR Educator Guide with FAQs (PDF)

TFAR 101: How to use the TFAR to create new item-type assessments and practice questions (Canvas course - 1 CPE Hour)

How to administer TFAR TEKS RS Assesments (Video

TFAR Training and Interactive Q&A (Video)
Authoring system   TEKS Resource System
If you are looking for predeveloped TFAR assessments, Region 16 has created unit assessments based on the TEKS Resource System YAG available for participating districts, contact us for contract options.