
The TEA Grant Compliance and Administration department is responsible for managing all discretionary and formula grants, ensuring the agency’s compliance with the fiscal requirements of federal grants, and conducting monitoring and grant reviews of federal grant subrecipients.
The Grant Compliance and Administration (GCA) department is responsible for managing all discretionary and formula grants, ensuring the agency’s compliance with the fiscal requirements of federal grants, and conducting monitoring and grant reviews of federal grant subrecipients.
The Federal Fiscal Monitoring Division (FFM) is responsible for fiscal monitoring of the expenditures of federal grants awarded to subrecipients including school districts, charter schools, education service centers and nonprofit institutions. FFM is a division of GCA.  FFM Duties:  As a pass-through entity, TEA is statutorily required to monitor the activities of subrecipients as necessary to ensure that subawards are used for authorized purposes, in compliance with federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the subaward, and that subaward performance goals are achieved.
The Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division (FFCR) oversees activities to determine whether organizations are in compliance. FFCR is a division of GCA.
FFCR Duties: Federal grant programs include fiscal requirements to ensure that grant recipients spend funds in the manner specified by the grant program. If your organization receives funds from federal grant programs, you must adhere to these fiscal requirements.
Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) consists of multiple parts and regulations to govern all federal grants awarded by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE).
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