Direct Services

We work to support and serve local education agencies and charter schools in a joint effort to improve student performance. We are committed to providing services to support our districts, schools, administrators, teachers, and students.
Please explore all the valuable resources we have provided on this web page. Thank you for visiting, and please don’t hesitate to call us with any questions.
DHH SessionsVI sessions   lending library
Attend ARD Meetings for students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Disseminate current information, materials & local resources
Loan assistive listening devices/FM Systems
Provide consultative services
Provide resources for hearing aids and educational options
Screen, identify & recommend resources for appropriate assessments
Cochlear Implant Information
Provide consultative and support services to districts, teachers, students, and parents
Provide orientation and mobility evaluative, consultative, and direct services
Provide technical assistance on disability-specific assistive technology
Analyze region-wide student performance data
Facilitate SFASU teacher of the visually impaired (TVI) and orientation and mobility (O&M) certification programs
VI Resources
American Council of the Blind   American Foundation for the Blind