IMS TSDS » Documentation


Core Collections

The following How To Guides are to be used when loading interchange files for various submission into the eDM, promote, validate, and finalize the appropriate interchange files to TSDS > PEIMS or Core Collections.
Please note the submission years and time frame should be adjusted depending on the submission in which you are currently working. 

Loading Data into eDM


The Core Collections Common Steps covers general steps that need to be completed AFTER THE INTERCHANGE FILES have been loaded successfully in the TSDS > EDM.

Core Collections Common Steps (Promote, Validate, Run Reports, Prepare/Finalize)



The following How To Guides are to be used when loading interchange files for various submission into the eDM, promote, validate, and finalize the appropriate interchange files to TSDS > PEIMS or Core Collections.
Please note the submission years and time frame should be adjusted depending on the submission in which you are currently working. 

Loading Data into eDM

Promote and Validate data(Promote, Validate, Run Reports, Prepare/Finalize, LEA SOA Status)

Using the Delete Utility(as needed)


Unique ID