Instructional Leadership
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Texas Instructional Leadership is a state-designed program through which we provide training and support to campus and district leaders on their ability to build the capacity of educators that they manage. It consists of a suite of trainings intended to foster continuous improvement by helping campus and district administrators grow concrete instructional leadership skills in the areas of observation and feedback, student culture, and data-driven instruction. TIL trainings are aligned with many of the best practices described in the Effective Schools Framework, and the Region 16 Education Service Center is among the approved vendors for schools seeking a capacity builder to support the execution of a campus improvement plan. TIL is ideal for campus and district leaders who want to increase overall student achievement and close educational gaps in their organization.
TIL Content Available With Contract
- Observation & Feedback
- Data-Driven Instruction
- Schoolwide Culture Routines
- Lesson Alignment
- Formative Assessment
Now more than ever, effective school leaders are critical to successful student outcomes. With the implementation of the Texas Teacher Evaluation Support System (T-TESS), administrators in Texas must support the implementation of impactful strategies that provides support in the implementation of impactful strategies designed to improve instruction and student performance at the campus and district level.
Administrators must be knowledgeable in curriculum and instruction, must be skillful in data gathering and analysis, must be able to set goals, must be skillful in conducting effective conferences, must have team-building skills and conflict resolution skills, and have mentoring and coaching skills. In order to meet these expectations, the Texas Education Agency and ESC Region 16 have developed Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL). This three-day engaging and research-based training is required for teacher appraisers along with T-TESS evaluation training. This three-day engaging and research-based training is required for administrators utilizing the T-TESS rubric to appraise teachers.
The Advancing Educational Leadership training by Region 16 serves as a means to meet the requirements of 19 TAC 150.1005:(c) Before conducting an appraisal, an appraiser must be certified by having satisfactorily completed the state-approved T-TESS appraiser training and having passed the T-TESS certification examination, and must have received Instructional Leadership Training (ILT), Instructional Leadership Development (ILD), or Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL) certification. Appraisers without ILT, ILD, or AEL certification before January 1, 2016, may not take ILT or ILD to satisfy this requirement. Periodic recertification and training shall be required.
Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support SystemT-TESS strives to capture the holistic nature of teaching – the idea that a constant feedback loop exists between teachers and students, and gauging the effectiveness of teachers requires a consistent focus on how students respond to their teacher’s instructional practices. For those reasons, each of the observable domains in T-TESS focuses on teachers and students rather than separating them out into separate domains. Ultimately, T-TESS is a process that seeks to develop habits of continuous improvement, and the process itself best leads to that outcome when appraisers and teachers focus on evidence-based feedback and professional development decisions based on that feedback through ongoing dialogue and collaboration.
T-TESS includes three components:
A certified appraiser is required to re-certify each year for the first 3 years by taking and passing the T-TESS certification exam. After 3 consecutive years of certification, you are required to re-certify once every three years to maintain certification. You can access your appraiser profile and take the re-certification exam here.
First Time Campus Administrator
The FTCA academy will focus on the key aspects of Advancing Educational Leadership: Creating positive school culture; Establishing & sustaining vision, mission, & goals; Developing self & others; Improving instruction; and Managing data & processes. We will reflect, share, network, and learn from one another in our pursuit of continuous self-improvement as campus instructional leaders.
The First Time Campus Administrator Academy by Region 16 serves as a means to meet the requirements of 19 TAC 241.25:
(a) A principal or assistant principal employed for the first time as a campus administrator (including the first time in the state) shall participate in an induction period of at least one year.
(b) The induction period should be a structured, systematic process for assisting the new principal or assistant principal in further developing skills in guiding the everyday operation of a school, adjusting to the particular culture of a school district, and developing a personal awareness of self in the campus administrator role. Mentoring support must be an integral component of the induction period.
Principal Pathway
The creation of a Principal Pathway by Region 16 is designed to equip both aspiring and current administrators with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in their roles. This pathway ensures that leaders are informed of the requirements outlined in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) and Texas Law (HB) for first year principals while also providing access to recommended and valuable training opportunities. By offering this pathway, we want to empower campus leaders to become more effective and knowledgeable, ultimately enhancing student success across Region 16.
to view our current sessions