Title IV, Part A - Safe & Supportive Schools

The Title IV, Part A - Safe & Supportive Schools Team at Region 16 ESC provides support, technical assistance, compliance assistance, and training for all aspects of the Title IV, Part A program for LEAs who applied for Title IV, Part A funds as well as participating private nonprofit schools who receive equitable services.
In addition, we provide technical support and training to assist districts in their school safety efforts. These resources encompass a range of school safety related responsibilities including Emergency Operation Plans (EOPs), Intruder Detection Audits (IDAs), School Safety Audits, District Vulnerability Assessments (DVAs), Behavior Threat Assessments (BTAs), and mental health and wellness.
Title IV, Part A: Student Support & Academic Achievement
The purpose of Title IV, Part A is to increase the capacity of state education agencies, local educational agencies (LEAs), campuses and communities to meet the following goals:
  • Provide all students access to a well-rounded education
  • Improve school conditions for student learning (safe & healthy students)
  • Improve the use of technology to enhance the academic outcomes and digital literacy of students
Important Links: 
Safe & Supportive Schools Program (SSSP)
To ensure wellness, learning, and physical and psychological safety across the learning community, an integrated approach is essential to promote a comprehensive and aligned Safe and Supportive School Program (SSSP).
The SSSP is a systemic and coordinated multitiered support system that addresses school climate, the social and emotional domain, and behavioral and mental health and wellness; it includes collaboration with community, county, and state organizations; conducting behavioral threat assessments; and the implementation of a multi-hazard approach to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from crisis situations. 
SSSP Overview and Requirements:
Important Links: 
Student Support & Safety
Chris Homen
Safe and Supportive Schools Specialist
[email protected]
(806) 677-5284