Title IV, Part A - Safe & Supportive Schools
The Title IV, Part A - Safe & Supportive Schools Team at Region 16 ESC provides support, technical assistance, compliance assistance, and training for all aspects of the Title IV, Part A program for LEAs who applied for Title IV, Part A funds as well as participating private nonprofit schools who receive equitable services.
In addition, we provide technical support and training to assist districts in their school safety efforts. These resources encompass a range of school safety related responsibilities including Emergency Operation Plans (EOPs), Intruder Detection Audits (IDAs), School Safety Audits, District Vulnerability Assessments (DVAs), Behavior Threat Assessments (BTAs), and mental health and wellness.

Title IV, Part A: Student Support & Academic Achievement
Safe & Supportive Schools Program (SSSP)
To ensure wellness, learning, and physical and psychological safety across the learning community, an integrated approach is essential to promote a comprehensive and aligned Safe and Supportive School Program (SSSP).
The SSSP is a systemic and coordinated multitiered support system that addresses school climate, the social and emotional domain, and behavioral and mental health and wellness; it includes collaboration with community, county, and state organizations; conducting behavioral threat assessments; and the implementation of a multi-hazard approach to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from crisis situations.
SSSP Overview and Requirements:
Important Links:
- Texas School Safety Center
- TEA: School Safety Resources
- TEA: Superintendent Support - School Safety
- Region 14 ESC Title IV, Part A Capacity Building Initiative: District Resources
- Title IV, Part A School Safety State Initiative - Frequently Asked School Safety Questions
- Title IV, Part A: District Safety Teams
- Title IV, Part A: State School Safety Standards and School Safety Related Grant Programs
TxSSC Tool Kits
- EOP Basic Plan Toolkit
- Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Toolkit
- Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place Toolkit
- Psychological Resilience Toolkit
- Cybersecurity Toolkit
- Active Threat Toolkit
- Severe Weather Toolkit
- Hazmat Toolkit
- Safety and Security Agreements Toolkit
- Training and Exercise Toolkit
- K12 Standard Response Protocol (SRP) Toolkit
- K12 Standard Reunification Method (SRM) Toolkit
- School Behavioral Threat Assessment Toolkit
- Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Toolkit
- Mental Health Resource Toolkit
PLEASE NOTE: This is not an all-inclusive list of toolkits. The Texas School Safety Center is continuously adding more toolkit resources.
Texas Education Agency (TEA) Safe and Supportive School Resources
Student Support & Safety
Child Abuse and Human Trafficking
Crisis Response / Grief & Loss
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- Psychological First Aid for Schools
- 988 Lifeline
- Crisis Text Line
- Safe and Sound Schools: Crises Prevention and Intervention
- The Dougy Center for Grieving Children & Families
- The Hope & Healing Place
- National Association of School Psychologists: Addressing Grief
Online Safety / Digital Citizenship
- National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
- NetSmartz
- KidSmartz
- Prevention Education & Professional Training
- Take it Down - Help to remove sexually explicit photos/videos
- Common Sense Education
- The Prevention Project
- Be Internet Awesome
- Safer Schools Together: Understanding Sextortion in Today's Digital Landscape
- National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
ESC Region 14 Resources on Student Safety & Well Being